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Clienti Italia 800 94 34 90
Service Clientèle Italie
800 94 34 90
Post-it | Sticky notepad with cover | Memotack, adehesive notepad post-it with hard cover | Moon double post-it multibrand notepad
Bespoke gadget with corporate image printing
Moon Double post-it multibrand: bespoke gadget. It features a corrugated cardboard support with digital printing. It includes 2 half-circle post-its with 50 sheets each, sized 97x60mm.
Gadget personalizzati con stampa dell’immagine aziendale
(Minimum quantity order)
The Moon Double post-it multibrand notepad uniquely promotes your brand as a bespoke gadget. Notably, its name stems from its closed shape: a half-moon, slice, or semi-circle.
Furthermore, the micro-corrugated cardboard support, measuring 1.5 mm thick, ensures exceptional solidity and durability. With practical closed dimensions of 100x60x20mm, it fits perfectly on office desks or in medical practices. Moreover, it enhances the appearance of any business counter, from pharmacies to workshops.
Each half-moon-shaped post-it notepad (100x60mm) contains 50 sheets, thus providing ample space for notes.
We customize the cover using digital printing. As a multi-brand gadget, the 2 post-it notes feature offset printing with 2 identical or different subjects in the same colour.
For larger quantities, we offer multiple colour printing options. However, we need to quote these processes to assess their cost. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact customer care for more information.
All right reserved to Proramillenote®
AWARD #OSSODURO ED. 5 – FIFTH PLACEMatilde Panicucci designed the Moon model, securing 5th place in the #Ossoduro Award Ed. 5. Proramillenote organizes this annual competition for students in higher advertising graphic design courses to foster innovative desk brand reminders.
All right reserved to Proramillenote®Proramillenote: Italian creativity, Italian production, trust in youth
Moon is made from recycled paper with a base of corrugated cardboard
Micro-corrugated cardboard support
Customization of the Post-its
All right reserved to Proramillenote®
SKU: 117
Min: 500 pz
SKU: 101
Min: 500 pz
SKU: 687
Min: 500 pz
SKU: 686
Min: 500 pz
Via Monte Cervino, 70
20862 – Arcore (MB) – Italy
CF – PIVA: 10323920966
Tel. +39 039 616593
Copyright Proramillenote® 2024
All rights reserved
The products illustrated here do not always result from supplies we have made to the companies appearing here as examples.
They are examples of positioning and printing effects and should not be considered as an abusive use of trademarks. All brands are owned by their respective legal owners.