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800 94 34 90

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  • Corporate social responsability
Gadget personalizzati

Our models won the 2023 PGA Promotional Gift Award

International press articles on the 2023 PGA Promotional Gift Award
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Our Cerved ESG Rating Certification is High Performance

All around CSR Corporate Social Responsability La nostra Cerved ESG rating is High Performance Cerved Translate to English: High Performance ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) Cerved’s analysis assigns Proramillenote a High Performance ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance). We are pleased ...
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Our Ecovadis medal

All around (CSR) Corporate Social Responsability Ecovadis Environmental sustainabilityand social responsibility of Proramillenote according to ECOVADIS. Doing right things for the planet Corporate Sustainability for a better future An ecovadis 2023 bronze medal for Proramillenote Table of Contents Download full ...
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Corporate social responsibility

All around (CSR) Corporate Social Responsability Responsibility social For us Medail bronze ECOVADIS 2023 #Ossoduro6 – Ed. 6 School year 2023-2024 The sustainability and social responsibility of Proramillenote according to ECOVADIS Our primary objective is to enhance efficiency and boost ...
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Contest for true design experts Ossoduro 6th School year 2023-2024 #Ossoduro award Design of innovative desktop gadgets Annual competition dedicated to high schools with a focus on design and graphics Main Menu All info Dicono del Premio Ossoduro Scadenza Introduzione ...
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Contest for true design experts Ossoduro 6th School year 2023-2024 #Ossoduro award Design of innovative desktop gadgets Annual competition dedicated

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