Post-it notes and notepads, bespoke gadget

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Post-it notes and notepads, bespoke gadget

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Post-it notes and notepads bespoke gadget

All around (CSR) Corporate Social Responsability


For us

#Ossoduro6 - Ed. 6
School year 2023-2024

Our Ecovadis medal -ecovadis - blog - hero -blog

The sustainability and social responsibility of
Proramillenote according to ECOVADIS

Our primary objective is to enhance efficiency and boost productivity, recognizing that reducing consumption ultimately leads to cost reduction. This year, we sought an evaluation from Ecovadis and proudly achieved the bronze medal as recognition of our efforts. Indeed, our journey towards improvement has just begun, and while there is still much to accomplish, we have rightfully earned this medal. Achieving a 52% rating in an absolute sense and ranking in the 54th percentile within our sector showcases our dedication and progress.

on devices

Support marketing
with an imprint of ethics


Our choice “EUDAMED”
Starting from this year, Proramillenote has been accredited as an importer in the EUDAMED database. This accreditation allows us to import Class 1 Medical Devices into Italy and Europe, marking a significant milestone in our business operations.

Doing Marketing while respecting stakeholders
With this choice, we renew our commitment to accuracy, safety and transparency in our supplies, qualities offered in support of your ethical marketing

EUDAMED Proramillenote SRN Operator Code IT-IM-00032942


Within the 23-24 school year,
the #Ossoduro Award
is in its sixth edition


The beauty of doing well
and share it

Every year the students of the “Meroni Institute” in Lissone (MB-Italy) and in particular those attending the address of graphics and design,naturally similar to our company productions, are involved by Proramillenote in a contest which includes three cash prizes and which offers participants the opportunity to design eco-sustainable desk brand reminders.

The designs are evaluated based on a comprehensive grid of rewarding criteria, which includes the coefficient of innovation, creativity, quality, and presentation correctness. We also assess the students’ ability to comprehend the demands of our target market and consider the feasibility of putting their projects into production immediately. This rigorous evaluation process ensures that we recognize and appreciate the most promising and relevant ideas.

An important score is given to the most eco-sustainable proposals thanks to the choice of materials and the most advanced papermaking solutions. Faced with the limited availability of natural resources and the failed habit of destructive consumerism, we explain to the students that design too must show its ecological conscience by proposing materials that do not impact the environment and long-lasting solutions with low production costs
An important score is given to the most eco-sustainable proposals thanks to the choice of materials and the most advanced papermaking solutions.

Winners are guaranteed in
• a cash prize with the value of a scholarship (1000 euros for the first place, 500 euros for the second place, 300 euros for the third place)
• the effective all-Italian production of their brand reminder
• the personal branding of young designers by placing their name on the samples offered to customers and on the product communication on our corporate website.

The beauty of doing well and sharing it

Doing right things for the planet


Within the 23-24 school year,
the #Ossoduro Award
is in its sixth edition

Doing right things for the planet

The European New Green Deal path suggests to all economic actors daily practices of efficient use of corporate resources.

In addition to due responsibility activities, since 2017 we have been directing our CSR projects towards the category of stakeholders closest to us: young people residing in the area adjacent to our headquarters.

This activity involves all Proramillente collaborators without any exclusion: managers, salesmen and production technicians wait every year to be able to do their part with pride.

Young people are active and passive actors in every good practice, first of all as citizens to be educated but also as recipients, in the long term, of the repercussions of every company policy choice adopted.

The hospitality confirmed to the interns but above all the organization of the #Ossoduro Award for the design of sustainable desk brand reminders, is our annual opportunity to act, even having fun, like eco-influencer towards young people, promoting paths of reflection on how creativity and italian design,combined with local production,may be a concrete opportunity to oppose the market distortions induced by globalisation.