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Clienti Italia 800 94 34 90


Strategie di branding tramite l'oggetto

800 94 34 90 (Clienti)

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Post-it e block-notes personalizzati, gadget aziendali

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+39 039 61 65 93

Customercare Italia

Service Clientèle Italie
800 94 34 90

Production d’articles promotionnels en papier, PPL et PVC

Cardboard magnetic box with paper clips

Bespoke gadget with corporate image printing

SKU 195

Cardboard magnetic box with paper clips

Gadget personalizzati con stampa dell’immagine aziendale


(Minimum quantity order)

Cardboard magnetic box with paper clips
The magnet is stuck to the bottom of the cardboard box equipped as a product imitation
The box contains a clear plastic bag with coloured paper clips

Pick up the paper clips, ask for information about customizationplace the paper clips near to the box and get the magne teffect

Printing from 1up to 4 colours
Standard sizes:
• mm 100 x 60 x 15
• mm 80 x 76 x 18
• mm 90 x 60 x 20

Advantages of this brand reminder
• long-term advertising
• keep the desk tidy 
• highlight the brand
• promote the product on the cardboard box

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