Why choose a certified FSC post-it manufacturer?
FSC® Certification Why choose a certified manufacturer of FSC® post-it notes? Un partner certificato assicura continuità alla catena di custodia
Info english – french languages +39 039 61 65 93
Customers from Italy 800 94 34 90
Info English – French
+39 039 61 65 93
FSC® Certification Why choose a certified manufacturer of FSC® post-it notes? Un partner certificato assicura continuità alla catena di custodia
2025 Proramillenote is a Sedex Partner Simplifying sustainability in supply chain management. We adhere to a sustainable supply chain. Sedex
L'orgoglio di fare il bene e la gioia di condividerlo
2025 Proramillenote is a Sedex Partner Simplifying sustainability in supply chain management. We adhere to a sustainable supply chain. Sedex
L'orgoglio di fare il bene e la gioia di condividerlo
Via Monte Cervino, 70
20862 – Arcore
Monza e Brianza – Italy
CF – PIVA: 10323920966
Phone +39 039 616593
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