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Porta documenti | Raccoglitori ad anelli | Raccoglitore in PVC
Raccoglitore ad anelli in PVC
Gadget personalizzati con stampa dell’immagine aziendale
(Quantità minima ordinabile)
Raccoglitore ad anelli (2, 3 o 4 anelli)
Realizzato in differenti tipi di PVC
• Stampa digitale quadricromia
• Numero e tipo anelli
• Finitura
• Formati a richiesta
SKU: 525
Min: 500 pz
SKU: 423
Min: 500 pz
SKU: 233
Min: 300 pz
SKU: 231
Min: 300 pz
Via Monte Cervino, 70
20862 – Arcore
Monza e Brianza – Italy
CF – PIVA: 10323920966
Tel. +39 039 616593
The products illustrated here do not necessarily come from supplies we have provided to the companies shown as examples.
They serve as examples of positioning and printing effects and should not be considered as misuse of trademarks. All trademarks are owned by their respective legal owners.